Summer is now officially over, but we are always thinking about the summer we just completed and preparing for the summer that lies ahead.
Jared, Paul and Patrick Garcia have been busy at camp working on various projects and site improvements. Our off season offices in Grass Valley and Truckee have been talking with camp families and enrolling returning and new campers for the Summer of 2017.
In October we will begin selecting campers to participate in our CILT program.
We are currently accepting applications for campers who would like to take part in our Outdoor Adventure Program next summer. Below is the link to the OAP Slideshow from our Summer of 2016 trips.
Videos from our 5th session “Cornucopia” and highlights of last summers campfires will be released during the fall and the Walton’s Fall Gift will be mailed to last summers campers.
We hope you all had a wonderful summer!
Adam, Julie, Jared and Erica