Session 2 Has Been a Blast

Session 2

It’s hard to believe the summer is in full swing!  Second session got off to a great start, with over 70 new campers experiencing all the great things Walton’s has to offer! From the endless list of activities to special events to the wonderful counselors, these second session campers are in the midst of an amazing two weeks.  It’s hard to believe it’s almost time to go home!

Session 2 campers put together a great first song contest of the summer last week, where each group performed a cover of a song.  The weekend featured the usual lineup of the water carnival, movie night and Sunday brunch.  As these final few days wrap up, campers still have the Fourth of July Carnival, dance and talent show to look forward to!

Walton’s is also stoked to welcome back someone who has missed the first few weeks; Matt Morrison arrived midway through the session to put on the special events!  Camp is lucky to have Matt – who was teaching his 5th grade class – back for most of the summer!

As the session winds down, camp couldn’t be happier with the great group of kids!  The only sad thing when we have to say bye on Saturday morning!