If you are looking for an organization to donate to the victims of the Camp Fire, please consider the North Valley Community Foundation.
The NVCF is a non-profit organization located in Chico, California. In researching options, we believe the North Valley Community Foundation is where money donated will get to those who are in need the most quickly and efficiently. The Mayor of Chico has also identified and recommended the NFCF as the organization to donate to. The NVCF is the organization we have decided to focus our donations to.
The north state, and in particular Chico and Paradise hold a special place in our hearts. Adam, Julie, Jared and Erica are all graduates of Chico State. Georgia Walton is currenlty a freshman at Chico. Ella Walton was born in Paradise and Adam was a school teacher in Paradise for a number of years.
Over the past 40 summers hundreds of our staff members have attended and graduated from Chico State. Many of those have made Chico and the surrounding areas their home upon graduation.
Thank you for considering. If you are looking for other ways to help the victims of the Camp Fire please feel free to contact us.